PICS 2.1.1 17may2021

LD-based PICS Probabilities for Index SNPs

Original PICS functionality extended with batch processing; result file download; 1000 Genomes Reference data for ALL, EUR, EAS, SAS, AFR, and AMR populations; and GRCh38 positions.

PICS Probabilities from summary statistics

Determine PICS probabilities from p-values within windows around significant SNPs.

Data Portal

Download PICS 2.0 Autoimmune Disease and GWAS catalog SNPs. GWAS catalog SNPs are updated and fine-mapped weekly.


Kimberly E Taylor, K Mark Ansel, Alexander Marson, Lindsey A Criswell, Kyle Kai-How Farh, PICS2: Next-generation fine mapping via probabilistic identification of causal SNPs, Bioinformatics, 2021;, btab122,